Our Solution

Clear Protocol® is optimally designed for electronic wearables. It will be used 24/7 by every nurse and doctor working at a hospital to validate treatment protocols contemporaneously. It is hands-free, voice operated. Users select a procedure on the Clear Protocol® voice-activated platform, and then confirm the completed steps in real time. Completed protocols and patient data are logged automatically to the EMR.

The system uses voice recognition for the interaction between the system and the user. Voice recognition is an established healthcare-specific technology, already in use by over 90% of hospitals and embedded in the leading EMR systems.

Clear Protocol® runs on a wide variety of hardware and operating systems. For convenience we can also install our proprietary software on existing devices.

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Comparison with current solutions

The image below illustrates how clinical procedures are “translated” into computerized systems such as Clear Protocol®. 

Clinical Procedure Translation

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Features and Benefits

  • Semi-automated clinical intervention validation and logging that saves clinicians valuable time
  • Interoperable with the major Electronic Medical Record systems
  • HIPAA compliant
  • Plug and play upgrades whenever new clinical guidelines are in place
  • The only computerized validation system we know of that meets the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s “Five Rights of CDS”
  • Potential to add a module for voice-to-text comments to the patient’s EMR, means that most charting/documentation can be completed contemporaneously
  • Flexible workflows customized to the individual doctor and nurse
  • The user initiates the validation, so the user is in control of what items will be logged
  • Scalable Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
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